Plant Spirit Readings

The plants have immense capacity for healing, if we slow down to listen. Communication with plants is an ancient practice that we are all capable of. It is a practice that has deeply moved my soul, opened my heart and intuition, and bestowed abundant healing upon me. During our session we will create a container of safety to hold us and sit in meditation to feel which plants would like to enter your field for your highest and best healing. We will discuss the plants and messages that came through, and ways to integrate them and their healing into your life. These sessions can be done in person or via zoom. After your session I will craft you a personalized tea blend based off of your reading.

Herbal Medicine Making Classes

Join me for immersive experiences handcrafting your own herbal medicines. From immune boosting Elderberry Tonics to Dream Potions to Herbal Infused Body Oils & more. I will gently guide you in a plant spirit meditation to shift consciousness into the non-linear and then we will get creative and make our medicine. You will go home with your very own medicine, directions for decanting, and a bottle for personal use. Join our e-newsletter to be notified of upcoming classes or reach out to me to book a group session.

Gatherings at Sacred Spiral Sanctuary

Join us as Chris Louis (of Rhythm & Ride) and I hold gatherings crafted around the Wheel of the Year. There are certain times of year when the sun, earth, moon, and other heavenly bodies align and signify major shifts in energy. Our ancestors would engage in ritual, make offerings, and celebrate to feed the Holy in nature. During these various portals (Equinoxes, Solstices, Samhain, Beltane, etc.) we too can bring ritual, ceremony, connection to the land, ourselves, & each other into our lives. Join us for a gathering of intention and celebration at Sacred Spiral Sanctuary where we will discuss elements of the seasonal theme and engage in ritual & ceremony to honor the spiraling cycles of nature.

Plant Spirit Meditations & Movement

As a former professional ballet dancer and yoga instructor, movement has always been a language my body longs for and loves to communicate with. A whole new world opens up when the plants come into a movement practice to guide and fill us with their unique medicine. Join me to meditate and move our bodies, as we connect with a Plant Spirit through a tea meditation & then bring in yoga-based movement steeped with the energetics of the plant & the season. Sign up for monthly classes held at Sacred Spiral Sanctuary, or reach out to me to book a group session.