
Through our work at Sacred Spiral Sanctuary and the herbal medicine crafted for Sacred Spiral Medicinals we hope to continually deepen our relationship with the Sacred all around us. To see the beauty and magick in each day, and to re-member ourselves and why we are here. To practice Earth-honoring ways and live in reciprocity. May this work foster creativity, sensitivity, connection, and compassion. May we embrace our evolution and growth, accepting both light and dark, seeing them as necessary aspects of our whole. May we come together to listen to and support one another on our unique healing journeys.

We hope to build a compassionate community of people who are interested in folk herbalism and the vastness of healing the plants are capable of, and those who are on a journey of wholeness and self-exploration who feel drawn to connecting with the energetics of the seasons through ritual and ceremony, and folks who are curious and like to play, all are welcome and appreciated.